No Ducts? No Problem! Understanding Ductless Air Conditioners

by | Jul 15, 2022 | Blog

When most people think of air conditioning, they think of a ducted central air system, blowing cool air through vents in the house. However, there is an effective alternative to ducted systems that more and more people are using: ductless air conditioners.

New to the world of ductless? It’s important to know the pros, cons, ins, and outs of these systems before investing in one. There are many advantages to going without ducts for cooling, including simple installation, control, and energy savings. Here’s your guide to ductless AC systems!

What are Ductless Air Conditioners and How Do They Work?

Ductless air conditioners simply do not use ducts to distribute cool air. Many people who live in homes without ductwork opt for ductless systems, since adding ductwork is invasive and expensive. These types of air conditioners are also well-suited for those who are looking for an energy-saving solution and AC that can be adjusted to each individual room.

Types of Ductless Systems

There are several distinct types of ductless air conditioners. For individuals seeking a less expensive, short-term option to temporarily cool rooms and move units around, window units and portable air conditioners are an excellent choice.

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A more long-lasting ductless option is a mini-split. Mini-splits have indoor and outdoor units, like central air conditioning systems. The two units are connected by a small channel drilled into the wall.

Ductless air conditioners, Portable air conditioners vs. Mini-Splits: Which are better? How do you get AC without ducts? mini split vs. portable air conditioner decision guide

How Does a Ductless Mini-Split Work?

A ductless mini-split doesn’t just provide cooling to a home – it can moderately heat it as well. This is because it is a heat pump, working to heat or cool by transferring thermal energy between the indoors and outdoors. This is what the small conduit is for! If you’re looking for a simple, minimal system that cools and heats all in one, heat pumps are a great choice.

In addition, up to five indoor units can connect to the outdoor unit. Each room can be independently heated or cooled, as opposed to a ducted system that controls the entire house. This is great for energy savings and ensuring each unique individual in your home is comfortable.

Mini-split systems are ductless, so there are no vents that can easily hide the cooling source. However, they still achieve a sleek and discreet look, coming in beautiful colors and finishes and mounting anywhere on the wall.

Pros and Cons of Ductless Air Conditioners

Ductless air conditioners have many advantages. They also have qualities that not everyone will find suitable for their lifestyle. Before deciding to invest in a ductless system, it’s essential to make sure it’s going to be a right fit for you and your home.

Mini-Split Pros

Mini-split ductless air conditioners use very little energy. By purchasing one, you can reduce your monthly energy costs because they are less expensive to operate.

If you don’t have existing ductwork in your home, a ductless mini-split is one of the most cost-effective permanent options for cooling. Since these systems only need a small channel in the wall, you’re spared from an extensive and invasive ductwork installation.

Mini-splits don’t take up a lot of room because they are installed on the wall above eye level. Compared to other ductless systems like portable air conditioners, they have a more understated appearance. Additionally, the system’s outdoor unit can be positioned up to 50 feet from the house to customize the appearance.

Mini-splits have the ability to heat your home, so you might not need to switch systems when winter hits. A conventional heat pump won’t be quite adequate to handle more extreme temperatures if your winters are very cold. Standard heat pumps typically can’t function below 25 degrees Fahrenheit. However, Mitsubishi Hyper-Heat has 100% heating capacity down to 5 degrees and guaranteed heating capacity down to -13.

Mini-splits are a very useful solution because they can be wirelessly operated with remote controls and timers. A mini-split also allows you to control each room separately. If your family members have different heating and cooling preferences, ductless mini-splits save you those arguments over the thermostat.

Mini-Split Cons

The most expensive method of cooling your house without ducts is with ductless mini-splits. Installation calls for an experienced contractor. If you settle for a subpar installer, you risk getting a subpar job. In general, installation of mini-split ductless air conditioners costs more than central air in a house with existing ductwork.

Mini-splits are also harder to conceal than ducted air conditioning systems. Vents are simply less obvious than ductless systems mounted on walls.

Portable AC Pros

Compared to other cooling systems, window units have the lowest installation costs, and portable air conditioners are right behind them. Portable AC units function as dehumidifiers, further enhancing the quality of your air. Since they are simple and affordable to install, they are a fantastic solution in the short term.

You have the flexibility of moving these units to any room that needs cooling. A portable air conditioner can also keep you comfortable while you decide on a permanent AC system.

Additionally, a portable air conditioner might be precisely what you need to keep your house cool all summer long if you live somewhere where it doesn’t get too hot. It provides a very easy solution because of its affordability.

Portable AC Cons

You have to put portable air conditioning units among your furniture, which makes them look bulkier. They typically make more noise than ductless mini-splits.  If you want to let in some fresh air, you must unhook its hose from the corresponding window that you’re trying to open.

Depending on the size, they can only cool small areas of your home. Portable air conditioners are designed to be used as a temporary fix and are not as long-lasting as mini-splits.

Should You Use a Ductless System?

So, should you use ductless air conditioners? The answer is yes, especially if you’re interested in a more energy-efficient option in the form of a mini-split or need some temporary cooling with a portable air conditioner. Ductless mini-splits can decrease your monthly bills, allow for a streamlined and customizable cooling experience, de-humidify your interiors, and bring you a return on your investment.

Ready for the ductless system of your dreams? Live Free Heating & Cooling is a certified Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor, creating comfortable homes for New Hampshire homeowners with the highest quality products and installation. Contact us for a free estimate today and learn how you can take your home comfort to the next level!